

Hello, My Name Is Facebook

Have we gone too far when a parent decides its a positive to name their child after a social network? Does it matter that the parent is Egyptian, and feels it's a tribute to the power of Facebook in the recent political revolution? Or does it just represent a long-term lack of parental judgement?

We all remember seeing the protester holding the sign that said "I Love Facebook". It was a sign of the times, a sign that displayed the grass roots power of the people who used social media in the protest...and a sign made out of cardboard. But, there is no doubt that Facebook was an integral part of the overthrow of the Mubarak regime...along with Twitter, email, and text.

That said, I continue to wonder almost daily what we will do when social media has come...and gone. Yes, it is a power and force in just about every ones life in some way today. Either because a person uses it themselves, has friends that do, consumes news content delivered by it...or in some cases news made by it. But how important is the "whatever happened to Facebook" question in 10 years...when your name is Facebook!

So here's hoping the young Egyptian girl named Facebook gets a good nickname...and that the Father doesn't name his next child "Twitter"!


Social Media Is Like Sex

Everybody wants some! Here's an interesting top-ten written by Jessica Northey for her SocialMediology 101 column on the radio industry site All Access.

10 Ways Social Media Marketing Is Like Making Love

1) Don’t try to sleep with someone on the first date. 
There is nothing worse than when someone sends you a direct message, trying to sell you something; posts “spammy” stuff to your wall; or tags you in a photo that has nothing to do with you ... right after you follow them.

2) Most people like to get to know someone before jumping into bed. 
Try “holding hands and snuggling” before you start selling people stuff. Telling is not selling! Ask questions of others ... find out about them.

3) Don’t expect overnight success.
Keep the long-term goals in mind. It’s a marathon ... not a sprint.

4) Treat others with respect.
You aren’t going to get along with everyone, but that doesn’t mean you need to alienate them. Also, when someone likes you and you don’t feel the same way, there is NO good reason to be mean to them. Some people are more “enthusiastic” online than you are, but here is a perfect chance to gain a super-fan/P1.

5) Not everybody is who they say they are.
Just because I proclaim expert status and post certifications on my website doesn’t mean squat. There are a lot of “experts” out there. Watch, listen and get to know people before doing business with them.

6) Don’t kiss and tell.
You can be personable without being too personal.

7) Just like STDs ... watch out for VTDs (Virtually Transmitted Diseases)
Some people out there don’t get it, so be careful what links you open. Use common sense. If it looks strange and says something like “ha ha, is this you,” it might be a VTD.

8) Some people are addicted to sex, but don’t care about the relationship
You can become obsessed with closing a deal, but don’t forget that service is just as important. Try to remember that in order to have a long-term relationship, there must be a friendship, too.

9) No one likes to be manipulated.
There is nothing worse than bait-and-switch marketing. Be transparent and if  you say you are giving something away for free, don’t ask someone to buy something to get something.

10) Not everybody needs Viagra
I get at least one link to buy Viagra a week ... come on, people! Know your audience and try to target what their needs are! Don’t just spray and pray!



Grammy Review - Alternate Version

Screw the Anthem, Christina wins the Aretha salute!

Lady Gaga gives new meaning to shoulder pads, but give her credit for singing live.

OK, Muse freaking rocks!

J-Lo gets a front seat because of Idol, but her backseat is still more important.

Hey Bruno Mars, Frankie Avalon wants his hair back.

The Bieb did not sing live, and got upstaged by mini-Will Smith & Usher.

Jeff Beck is alive! But thank God the Best Rock award was won by someone actually living.

John Mayer wants to be Johnny Depp.

Lady Gaga has a better ass than I thought, at least the plastic one.

Holy crap, the Avett Brothers were on the Grammys!

Bob Dylan sang live, and I understood him! Great version of "Maggie's Pie".

Chick from Glee and Clay Matthews of the Packers presented...both are lame.

Hillary Scott has one kick ass trainer!

"Country Radio" gets a shout out.

Cee Lo is George Clinton's illegitimate son.

Gweneth can sing?

Katy Perry only has two redeeming qualities.

Lady A has come along way from Ziggy's in Winston-Salem.

Seth Rogen and Miley were doin' bong hits backstage.

Eminem is mad, Dre is cool...and they were seen riding off together in a Chrysler in search of a Dr. Pepper slushy.

First time a person named Esperanza has ever won a Grammy.

Props to Mick Jagger and the Grammys for doing a tribute to Solomon Burke. The King of Rock & Soul!

Having Bab's follow Mick was kinda like taking an Ambien after a Viagra.

Eminem is still mad.

Rihanna knows how to work what Momma gave her.

Arcade Fire, meet Barbra Streisand.


The Wife Hits News Stands

Angie and Jeff profiled in the recent edition of Country weekly. Its for more than just the bird cage.


How Many Do You Have?

Time Magazine released their list of the top 50 Apps for 2011. So the first thing I wondered was how many I had and used. In other words; was I on top of the top 50?

A quick count shows that I have 25 of them. Not bad considering 9 are games, and I'm not a gamer...although I can kick ass on Angry Birds. Does this mean I'm App savvy? Am I efficient? Am I interesting? Or maybe I'm just lazy since I want an App for everything, and want it to do everything for me. 

Some people feel like the Apps are just one of the problems with peoples over-dependence on their smart phones. Look closely at the graphic if you think I'm kidding. But they really are more than just another reason to ignore your fellow man. If used for good, they can dramatically increase your productivity...if that's important to you.

Let me know many you have. Until then, I need to go get three stars across level 5!

Angry Birds
Plants v. Zombies
Doodle Jump
Fruit Ninja
Cut the Rope
GeoDefense Swarm

On the Go
Word Lens
Weather Channel
Google Earth

Shop Savvy
Lose It!

Music & Photography
Photoshop Express

ESPN Scorecenter



Hosni Is Hosed, But Is It Up To Us?

Does the United States have the right, position, or high ground to insist that a leader of another country leave office? What would we say if a leader from another major power said our president had to leave office if enough people felt an election was wrong and there were large protests? The insulting shoe on the other foot if you will.

The revolution, if that's the right definition, in Egypt has been amazing to watch unfold for many reasons. The involvement and use of the Internet and social media to organize. The size of the protests. The overall lack of violence. The fact that Egypt was Israel's biggest ally in keeping the peace. The fact that the us viewed Egypt as a military ally. That Egyptians felt strongly enough, and were confident enough to raise a collective voice for change. But is that change ours to influence?

I remember watching Sadat getting mowed down, and some say Mubarak step aside, 30 years ago when the whole Middle East could have come undone. And, while it's been a generally peaceful 30 years, it's certainly not been a great society for all it's citizens to live in over the last 30 years. The Egyptian citizens have every right to say they don't want Hosni in power anymore, and they are using peaceful protest over votes or violence to get it done...and I'm all for a transition if that's what they want. That said, watch what you wish for, because Mubarak is the devil we know.

This has nothing to do with politics, but I'm just uncomfortable with nation-building or taking sides when it's not our fight. Good or bad, I've always thought it arrogant for us to feel we could impose our will and wishes on another sovereign nation...but God forbid anyone tell us what we can or can't do. It's not our world. So Barack insisting Mubarak do what he feels is right seems wrong to me. As far as the military aid to Egypt as leverage, we still need them as much as they need it.

I know the United States passing on advice and suggestions to Egypt or any other country is going to happen, but it's kinda like a parent advising a 20-year old not to run with a stick in their hand; they might listen, but they can be just be as stupid as they want to be.

Let's just hope they don't put an eye out in the process


Angie & Jeff Get ACM Nom

Angie Ward loves Awards...and she's up for another one! 

The Academy Of Country Music (ACM) announced the nominees for this year’s Radio Broadcast Awards today, and for the third year in a row she and her partner Jeff have been nominated for the Jeff Roper In The Morning Show in the On-Air Personality Of The Year - Large Market category! The ACM show airs April 4th on CBS live from the MGM Garden in Las Vegas, although they don't broadcast the Radio awards as part of the show. But don't worry, there will still be some serious dress shopping!

Sure, it's an honor to be honor she's had a dozen times over the years from the CMA, ACM, R&R and CRB!  But she prefers the wins for her and WTQR...including 2002 CMA Station of the Year, 2001 CRB Large Market Broadcast personality of the Year, 2000 CMA Large Market Broadcast personality of the Year, 2000 Marconi Station of the Year, and 1998 CMA Station of the Year. Yea, that's a lot of hardware!

Very proud of my wife, Angie Ward-Satterfield; WTQR Morning Show with Jeff, tons of accolades, and heard on over 50 radio stations across the country every week...thank God one of us has talent!