

Octomommy Dearest

So this is what happens when your 15 minutes is up?

Breaking news; Octomom fetish video released!! Really? This is what it's come to? In any other set of circumstances this would be just another crappy attempt at milking the interweb for some hits using a cheap fetish vid. But in this case it seems more like the sad end to the very strange story of the Octomom!

Nadya Suleman, known as Octomom, gained international attention by birthing a whole litter of kids at once! Yea, that would be 8. Of course, right after everyone was thrilled the kids made it, and intrigued by the details...we all found out she was using modern medicine and our sick need for a "feel good" story in the 24-hour news cycle to get attention. By the way, she already had six other mouths not getting fed, and was on public assistance.

Oh yea, after the blessed event...she hired a PR firm, did TV interviews, tagged up with Vampiress Gloria Allred, and got an ear full from Dr. Phil. Next it was a reality TV show in the England...with the kids on the payroll! Then Fox did a a two-hour special entitled, "Octo-Mom: The Incredible Unseen Footage"...who really wanted to see that footage? follow all that with Oprah, Idol, and lots of magazine covers. The only thing she didn't do to exploit herself and the kids was porn...until now. Granted, this isn't really porn...but it's salacious and intended to make you look. So I guess we will!

Hopefully this is the last time we'll see the fabulous Octomom, with her in a too-tight corset whipping a fully grown man wearing a diaper. Hey lady, your 15 minutes are officially up.

TMZ video page (SFW)