Spent the morning getting organized, pre-packing for the move, and chilling. Still rather be here than home. As planned, we do a full recon of potential units in NMB for future stays...locations, photos, notes. Helps us consider where to stay on future trips.
It's after 4 by the time we get done & head back down the beach, so we decide to hit the happy hour at the Flying Fish...which is just the beginning! Hello Happy Hour Tour!
#1; Flying Fish...apps and drinks at the bar, very good.
#2; Dick's...my first time, and I rock the bartender! Just drinks & condom hats with my girl "Fire Crotch".
#3; Oscar's...Steeler bar feels & smells like home. Dank, musty, and people smoking! Just drinks.
#4; Joe's Crab Shack...food and drinks, and it's no longer happy hour! Not great, won't go back. 5 hours later...we have a buzz! A little shopping for Steelers gear and we go home.
Get call much later about Rydan's head injury...the first of many.