

Hosni Is Hosed, But Is It Up To Us?

Does the United States have the right, position, or high ground to insist that a leader of another country leave office? What would we say if a leader from another major power said our president had to leave office if enough people felt an election was wrong and there were large protests? The insulting shoe on the other foot if you will.

The revolution, if that's the right definition, in Egypt has been amazing to watch unfold for many reasons. The involvement and use of the Internet and social media to organize. The size of the protests. The overall lack of violence. The fact that Egypt was Israel's biggest ally in keeping the peace. The fact that the us viewed Egypt as a military ally. That Egyptians felt strongly enough, and were confident enough to raise a collective voice for change. But is that change ours to influence?

I remember watching Sadat getting mowed down, and some say Mubarak step aside, 30 years ago when the whole Middle East could have come undone. And, while it's been a generally peaceful 30 years, it's certainly not been a great society for all it's citizens to live in over the last 30 years. The Egyptian citizens have every right to say they don't want Hosni in power anymore, and they are using peaceful protest over votes or violence to get it done...and I'm all for a transition if that's what they want. That said, watch what you wish for, because Mubarak is the devil we know.

This has nothing to do with politics, but I'm just uncomfortable with nation-building or taking sides when it's not our fight. Good or bad, I've always thought it arrogant for us to feel we could impose our will and wishes on another sovereign nation...but God forbid anyone tell us what we can or can't do. It's not our world. So Barack insisting Mubarak do what he feels is right seems wrong to me. As far as the military aid to Egypt as leverage, we still need them as much as they need it.

I know the United States passing on advice and suggestions to Egypt or any other country is going to happen, but it's kinda like a parent advising a 20-year old not to run with a stick in their hand; they might listen, but they can be just be as stupid as they want to be.

Let's just hope they don't put an eye out in the process