



Redneck Getaway 2011 - Day Eight, 9/17

The weather still sucks, with another completely socked in day. Clouds, cool breeze, and light mist. Not the kind of conditions that make for a fun day at the beach. But we make the most of it!

The timing wasn't all bad as this is "moving day", when we need to change units so we can get out of the way of a regular "Shagger". Get up and pack the rest of the stuff, load the truck, and move about 1,000 feet down the beach to the "upgrade" that the agent gave us. Easier said than done, but worth staying the rest of the weekend.

The unit is a 4 bedroom north corner unit in Beach Club 2, and it rocks! Bigger, more space, bigger flat screen, better kept, very open, nice grounds...with only a few things that are not as "good". Really like this building.

With the weather making the beach impossible, we turn to football! WV wins, Auburn does not...but it really is a great place to watch a game.

After spending the rest of the afternoon doing little, we make our way to the Kilt at Broadway. Watch another game, eat, and head back home. To cool to hang around and people watch.

Redneck Getaway 2011 - Day Seven, 9/16/11

Well that sucks! Weather turns, and it's barely 60 degrees! How about a 30 degree swing in 36 hours! Still, 6 straight days of sun wasn't bad, and we still have the weekend.

Spent the morning getting organized, pre-packing for the move, and chilling. Still rather be here than home. As planned, we do a full recon of potential units in NMB for future stays...locations, photos, notes. Helps us consider where to stay on future trips.

It's after 4 by the time we get done & head back down the beach, so we decide to hit the happy hour at the Flying Fish...which is just the beginning! Hello Happy Hour Tour!

#1; Flying Fish...apps and drinks at the bar, very good.
#2; Dick' first time, and I rock the bartender! Just drinks & condom hats with my girl "Fire Crotch".
#3; Oscar's...Steeler bar feels & smells like home. Dank, musty, and people smoking! Just drinks.
#4; Joe's Crab and drinks, and it's no longer happy hour! Not great, won't go back. 5 hours later...we have a buzz! A little shopping for Steelers gear and we go home.

Get call much later about Rydan's head injury...the first of many.


Redneck Getaway 2011 - Day Six, 9/15/11

Sleep late, breakfast on the beach...and another day of full Sun!!

Fewer people than on the beach all week, which is fine with us. Long day doing absolutely nothing. More drinks and Jello Shots...but not much else. Just laying around.

Did get a call from rental agency that they wanted to change our unit for the a 4 bedroom in Beach Club II about a 1,000 yards down the beach! Nice

Head to Flying Fish Market for drinks and dinner. Happy hour from 4-8 rocks! The service ain't great, but the food is pretty good & prices aren't bad. More shopping, back to the condo, watch a movie...and watch the weather change!

Crabs seem OK.

Redneck Getaway 2011 - Day Five, 9/14/11

Even though the forecasts have been sketchy, the weather holds for another day of full sun!

Breakfast and beach again. Cooler full of drinks and Jello Shots. Waves are OK, so more boarding. In the course of the day, Angie gets her balls on the ground & is able to get on with the vacation!

We decide to walk down to Beach Cove for the exercise and activity. Also gives us a chance to look at the monstrous North Beach Plantation. There are so many units in the two buildings that the beach and atmosphere are the exact opposite of what we come for. Go to the little beach bar for beer and really bad Nacho's! Great people watching though, with a handful of freaks and weirdo's...time to go. Max out the sun, dinner in, a little shopping & another quiet night.

Crabs are fine.

Redneck Getaway 2011 - Day Four, 9/13/11

First day without the kids, is the longest and most calm so far. Except for a few work issues!

Breakfast and beach, with the biggest waves so far. We got to Boogie! Been here long enough to se a lot of the same people; the "clan" from Missouri, the honeymoon couple, the tent compound put up by Big Boy, the lonely chairs placed by our condo neighbor, & others. Lots of people watching...and a few Jello Shots!

I'm trying to do a call with a client & Angie is trying to herd her cats from work via phone all day..both being a bit of a distraction. Biggest challenge is the lack of connectivity; both phone and data. Her issues drag on, we decide to go to a bar to solve mine.

We call ahead to check on wifi and go to the Wild Wing Cafe at Barefoot. They have a great deck bar, pretty good food, cold beer, a view of the Gators...but no working wifi. I'm calm. Eat and drink anyway, push off call, and Angie gets to shop. Back to the condo for another quiet night

Redneck Getaway 2011 - Day Three, 9/12/11

More great weather on the beach today, with moderate waves and lots of sun! Rydan and Cierra are here for the whole day, although Rydan is already "done" with the beach...and just wants to "cool" in the condo. We now know "cool" means "chill" to a 4-year old.

Pool time, beach time and we even fly kites! I had never really flown a kite before, but was doing loops within 45 minutes...while Rydan sat under the tent asking what I was doing. Great day to wrap up the kids part of the trip.

Made a discovery trip down to old Myrtle to look for a hotel for Cierra and Nick to stay in in a few weeks. Love the old-school places, but man they are dives now! Found the Bar Harbor with weekend ocean front for $55 a night! Not a bad place & a great price.

Drive the kids back to Rockingham to meet Ashley and Sandy, who drive them the rest of the way back to K-Ville. Quiet drive back to the beach for us, and an even quieter evening!

Of course, there was more work on Angie's new Crabitat.

Redneck Getaway 2011 - Day Two 9/11/11

First full day on on the "Riviera" starts early with Angie and Rydan walking on the beach "shelling". While they don't find a lot of great shells...they do run into a local 9/11 tribute; first responders (see photo) walking the beach in full gear flying the flag. Lots of cheers and applause as they go up the beach. Unique way to commemorate. Also opening day for Steeler football, with me wearing the trunks early, but thankfully not watching much of the game.

Rydan had gotten his own Boogie Board the night before, so it was off to the waves after setting up the compound. He and Mommy were able to catch a few, until he got a full face of wave and decided to build Sand Castles. Just part of a long lazy day.

Took Rydan to his first full-on Putt Putt experience at Professor Hackers Dinosaur Adventure! Lots of nasty water hazards and big dino replicas...for $35! No wonder there are so many of these joints! Quickly found that he seems to have a knack for Golf. come on Nike!

From there it was of to Crab shop! Yea, we are now the proud owners of two Hermit Crabs...and the Crabitat they live in. Ry likes them, and Angie will take care of them.

Wrap up another night with a replay of a stupid local studio wrestling TV show. I think the host was doing two voices.


Redneck Getaway 2011 - Day One, 9/10/11

With Rydan getting older, we decided to make a trip to the coast part of our annual travel plans. We have done many years of visits to the Caribbean instead of the NC coast, and hauling a 4-year old on a flight to an island just didn't seem like the best thing. But we certainly wanted to see him experience the beach...and getaway ourselves.

For this RG we again chose NMB, with the Windy Hill area being the most calm, convenient, and not very crowded after Labor Day. With large condos, ocean front pool, and a wide off-sets any of the cliche concerns about it being "Myrtle"! But I still like to refer to it as our "Redneck Getaway. I mean there are still plenty of scary people, Wave-stores, and "I Love Grandma" airbrushed t-shirts.

Cierra & Rydan are along for the first few days, while Nick stayed back to do the responsible thing and work. The trip down was uneventful, with only a dozen true "are we there yet's". North Shore Realty folks were easy to work with. Condo they suggested is great, recently upgraded, and in one of the buildings we like.

Rydan's first few hours on the beach included, swimming, riding a wave on a Boogie board, building sand castle's and burying his Mommy. Guess we can go home now.

Beach is mostly empty, waves are small, cooler is full and Maria looks like a non-issue. Dinner in, girls go shopping, I watch the NASCAR race (it is a Redneck Getaway), and the moon is full! Should be a good RG


Facebook has been blocking and shutting down extensions that allow you to export your Facebook contacts over to Goggle+...but there is still a way. Here's a step-by-step work around by using your Yahoo account:

  1. Open you Yahoo account (takes a few minutes to sign up for one if you don't have one) and go to the "Contacts" tab
  2. Go to "Import Contacts", and you'll see the Facebook logo. Click it and say "OK". You'll see all your FB contacts
  3. "Select all" contacts, go to "Actions", "Export all", and choose "Yahoo CSV file". File will download to computer
  4. Switch over to your Gmail account associated with Google+ account
  5. Go to "Contacts" tab, go to "New Group", and create a group called "Facebook"
  6. Go to new "Facebook" group tab in left column, choose "More Actions", choose "Import", "Choose file", select the Yahoo CSV file you downloaded, select the "Facebook" label in the drop down, and hit "Import", click "OK"
  7. Switch over to your Google+ profile and click "Circles", you should now see all of the contacts on your Google+ account!   (If not, you can also click the "Yahoo" icon next to "find friends", click "agree" to force a download, which may take a few "retry" clicks)
Requires a Yahoo account and a few minutes of your time, but if you plan on using Google+ as part of your personal social networking...this makes migrating contacts from Facebook easy, even if they don't want you too :)


What Time Is Prime Time?

One of the most asked questions by anyone just getting started blogging, posting, sharing, and doing any type of content distributions is; when is the best time to do it? Over time the best days of the week and times of the day have become a little more clear, although your target audience can impact what is optimum. But research used to derive those results has always surveyed all traffic, regardless of OS or device.

A new study published by Ad Age Digital says that the highest use of mobile web and apps happens between 7-9pm. Google also backs this up with their numbers on mobile search in the evening. Another incredible stat was that 86% of TV watchers had their mobile device in hand while doing it! The survey also found that ad click throughs were highest on iDevices, with the slowly dying Blackberry coming in last.  

What does this info mean to you? 
  1. Make sure you are pushing content in this prime window to increase potential click throughs and engagement
  2. Make sure that your digital marketing strategy includes the super-fast growing mobile platform
  3. If you're lucky enough to have Television as part of your Marketing plan, include a call to action
  4. If you can only afford to do one mobile app, make sure it's for Apple devices
  5. Throw your Blackberry away
In the new America it's desktop by day, and mobile by night.

Source: Ad Age Digital

Does Google+ Matter

It's been very interesting to see how much "buzz" Goggle+ has generated in the past few weeks. (an ironic choice of words) So now that we have seen and used it, and as people migrate to it as an alternative to begs the questions; does Google+ matter?

  • A new social network is added to the interweb almost every day, but not by that matters.
  • Buzz was a complete failure, launched by that matters.
  • Facebook is the 800-pound Gorilla, but evil to that matters.
  • Facebook is the 800-pound Gorilla, and works fine for that matters.
  • Social has been more important than sharing, so that that matters.
  • Video chat isn't new, but simple group video chat that matters.
  • A Circle is just a Group, but easier to that matters.
  • You already have too many social media that matters.

Look, Google+ is fun, but far from proving itself as the "next big thing" in social media. The buzz around it will last for some time, and the early adopters will be in for a bumpy ride. We'll stay on top of it as it evolves to maximize its potential because it's Google...and that means it does matter.


What's That Smell?


Oh, it's Spring in the air! Spring is a time when all things are fresh & exciting! Spring is a time time when flowers & ideas start to bloom. Spring is a time time for new activities & endeavors. Spring is my favorite time of the year.

There is a constant barrage of information, ideas, thoughts and stuff that fills up my personal & professional life. So much stuff that it's sometimes hard to see through it all to what's going on around me...and what the possibilities are. But Spring, with its longer days and more sunshine, seems to allow me to feel more positive...and have a clearer picture. I plan to take advantage of it!

I have the same chaos going on around me I did 2 months ago, and six months ago...and I've been out of the traditional workforce for over a year now, but for some reason things just seem more manageable this time of the year. The to-do list is still as long as my arm, the family challenges are just as many & just as big...but Spring creates a sense that all of it is not only doable, but something to tackle with vigor!

There are opportunities to be explored, activities to do, and time to maximize. More family time, more fun time, and yes...hopefully more work time. And Spring time makes them all even more possible!

When you're in a funk, things smell funky. When things are good, they smell like Spring. Sniff that!


Sheen is the straight one!

OK, it's possible that's not a factual statement, but its starting to seem like the Sheen-hater nation may actually be the ones who are on a bad trip...loaded with disorientation & blurred perceptions.

The Entertainment shows & collective intereweb is in overdrive dragging out every last juicy morsel of salacious crap they can get their small minds around to feed their content masters. You've heard all the stories already. Then Charlie got fed up and decided to go out on his own to tell his story without a net, something unheard of inside the TMZ where its di'rigour to have "teams" that probably even help celebs pee.

Charlie says he's fighting for his co-workers...and probably that 2 million per show. CBS says they've had enough...or maybe they made enough to end 2.5 men & get away from Charlie. The surprise is how Charlie is both able and lucid enough to point out how crazy their decisions seem to be as well as taking ownership of his latest bender(s). Don't get me wrong, he has said some wacky stuff, but suggested it was mostly in jest. Either way, the tour is actually making Charlie more sympathetic! Charlie says hes sober now cause he chooses to be, but that's unacceptable to the wags who are certain you have to follow "the plan" to get back on the straight & narrow path. But I have been around people who needed 28 days (or more) and have also seen friends who "gave it up" in a single day. In the end, only Charlie knows...and everyone else is guessing.

He has undoubtedly led a rock stars life in a network TV fishbowl, but being a successful Personality does not come with a requirement of morality...just personality.  So I could care less about his habits, because they're his. But many others don't share that type of moral moral tolerance. Moral indignation is a heavy stone to throw, one that most folks would have boomerang back through their glass houses. 

But why do we care anyway?  If you read a great book by an anonymous author, does it matter if he's a drunk? If you buy a tasty cake at the store, does it matter if the baker is a jerk? You get the idea. As long as the product is good and they get it done without causing others any grief or pain...John Q should care even less than CBS. But not in our over-informed, gotta have an opinion world. 

He's a sinner not a saint, and he certainly seems to have a surreal perspective on life, along with a trippy vocabulary. He's definitely not Father-of-the-year material, and how it affects his kids is really the only thing that concerns me because they are innocent...but the producers who work 15 hours a day and never see their family may not have it right either. And how about the irony that the family show they think he's too embarrassing to be on, is the raunchiest thing on TV before 9p...and a show about, well Charlie and his real life.

CBS and the producers seem to have just gotten tired of dealing with a difficult personality, so instead of manning up and working through it they took the easy way out...painting themselves as concerned victims. Charlie was an idiot for putting that kind of cash, and the staff he says he's concerned about, at risk in the first place. But he's not a role model, he's not an elected official (although many are at least as "bad" as he is), and he doesn't have a higher purpose...except maybe getting high. So take him as he is, watch the drama unfold, and try to's only a TV show.


Hello, My Name Is Facebook

Have we gone too far when a parent decides its a positive to name their child after a social network? Does it matter that the parent is Egyptian, and feels it's a tribute to the power of Facebook in the recent political revolution? Or does it just represent a long-term lack of parental judgement?

We all remember seeing the protester holding the sign that said "I Love Facebook". It was a sign of the times, a sign that displayed the grass roots power of the people who used social media in the protest...and a sign made out of cardboard. But, there is no doubt that Facebook was an integral part of the overthrow of the Mubarak regime...along with Twitter, email, and text.

That said, I continue to wonder almost daily what we will do when social media has come...and gone. Yes, it is a power and force in just about every ones life in some way today. Either because a person uses it themselves, has friends that do, consumes news content delivered by it...or in some cases news made by it. But how important is the "whatever happened to Facebook" question in 10 years...when your name is Facebook!

So here's hoping the young Egyptian girl named Facebook gets a good nickname...and that the Father doesn't name his next child "Twitter"!


Social Media Is Like Sex

Everybody wants some! Here's an interesting top-ten written by Jessica Northey for her SocialMediology 101 column on the radio industry site All Access.

10 Ways Social Media Marketing Is Like Making Love

1) Don’t try to sleep with someone on the first date. 
There is nothing worse than when someone sends you a direct message, trying to sell you something; posts “spammy” stuff to your wall; or tags you in a photo that has nothing to do with you ... right after you follow them.

2) Most people like to get to know someone before jumping into bed. 
Try “holding hands and snuggling” before you start selling people stuff. Telling is not selling! Ask questions of others ... find out about them.

3) Don’t expect overnight success.
Keep the long-term goals in mind. It’s a marathon ... not a sprint.

4) Treat others with respect.
You aren’t going to get along with everyone, but that doesn’t mean you need to alienate them. Also, when someone likes you and you don’t feel the same way, there is NO good reason to be mean to them. Some people are more “enthusiastic” online than you are, but here is a perfect chance to gain a super-fan/P1.

5) Not everybody is who they say they are.
Just because I proclaim expert status and post certifications on my website doesn’t mean squat. There are a lot of “experts” out there. Watch, listen and get to know people before doing business with them.

6) Don’t kiss and tell.
You can be personable without being too personal.

7) Just like STDs ... watch out for VTDs (Virtually Transmitted Diseases)
Some people out there don’t get it, so be careful what links you open. Use common sense. If it looks strange and says something like “ha ha, is this you,” it might be a VTD.

8) Some people are addicted to sex, but don’t care about the relationship
You can become obsessed with closing a deal, but don’t forget that service is just as important. Try to remember that in order to have a long-term relationship, there must be a friendship, too.

9) No one likes to be manipulated.
There is nothing worse than bait-and-switch marketing. Be transparent and if  you say you are giving something away for free, don’t ask someone to buy something to get something.

10) Not everybody needs Viagra
I get at least one link to buy Viagra a week ... come on, people! Know your audience and try to target what their needs are! Don’t just spray and pray!



Grammy Review - Alternate Version

Screw the Anthem, Christina wins the Aretha salute!

Lady Gaga gives new meaning to shoulder pads, but give her credit for singing live.

OK, Muse freaking rocks!

J-Lo gets a front seat because of Idol, but her backseat is still more important.

Hey Bruno Mars, Frankie Avalon wants his hair back.

The Bieb did not sing live, and got upstaged by mini-Will Smith & Usher.

Jeff Beck is alive! But thank God the Best Rock award was won by someone actually living.

John Mayer wants to be Johnny Depp.

Lady Gaga has a better ass than I thought, at least the plastic one.

Holy crap, the Avett Brothers were on the Grammys!

Bob Dylan sang live, and I understood him! Great version of "Maggie's Pie".

Chick from Glee and Clay Matthews of the Packers presented...both are lame.

Hillary Scott has one kick ass trainer!

"Country Radio" gets a shout out.

Cee Lo is George Clinton's illegitimate son.

Gweneth can sing?

Katy Perry only has two redeeming qualities.

Lady A has come along way from Ziggy's in Winston-Salem.

Seth Rogen and Miley were doin' bong hits backstage.

Eminem is mad, Dre is cool...and they were seen riding off together in a Chrysler in search of a Dr. Pepper slushy.

First time a person named Esperanza has ever won a Grammy.

Props to Mick Jagger and the Grammys for doing a tribute to Solomon Burke. The King of Rock & Soul!

Having Bab's follow Mick was kinda like taking an Ambien after a Viagra.

Eminem is still mad.

Rihanna knows how to work what Momma gave her.

Arcade Fire, meet Barbra Streisand.


The Wife Hits News Stands

Angie and Jeff profiled in the recent edition of Country weekly. Its for more than just the bird cage.


How Many Do You Have?

Time Magazine released their list of the top 50 Apps for 2011. So the first thing I wondered was how many I had and used. In other words; was I on top of the top 50?

A quick count shows that I have 25 of them. Not bad considering 9 are games, and I'm not a gamer...although I can kick ass on Angry Birds. Does this mean I'm App savvy? Am I efficient? Am I interesting? Or maybe I'm just lazy since I want an App for everything, and want it to do everything for me. 

Some people feel like the Apps are just one of the problems with peoples over-dependence on their smart phones. Look closely at the graphic if you think I'm kidding. But they really are more than just another reason to ignore your fellow man. If used for good, they can dramatically increase your productivity...if that's important to you.

Let me know many you have. Until then, I need to go get three stars across level 5!

Angry Birds
Plants v. Zombies
Doodle Jump
Fruit Ninja
Cut the Rope
GeoDefense Swarm

On the Go
Word Lens
Weather Channel
Google Earth

Shop Savvy
Lose It!

Music & Photography
Photoshop Express

ESPN Scorecenter



Hosni Is Hosed, But Is It Up To Us?

Does the United States have the right, position, or high ground to insist that a leader of another country leave office? What would we say if a leader from another major power said our president had to leave office if enough people felt an election was wrong and there were large protests? The insulting shoe on the other foot if you will.

The revolution, if that's the right definition, in Egypt has been amazing to watch unfold for many reasons. The involvement and use of the Internet and social media to organize. The size of the protests. The overall lack of violence. The fact that Egypt was Israel's biggest ally in keeping the peace. The fact that the us viewed Egypt as a military ally. That Egyptians felt strongly enough, and were confident enough to raise a collective voice for change. But is that change ours to influence?

I remember watching Sadat getting mowed down, and some say Mubarak step aside, 30 years ago when the whole Middle East could have come undone. And, while it's been a generally peaceful 30 years, it's certainly not been a great society for all it's citizens to live in over the last 30 years. The Egyptian citizens have every right to say they don't want Hosni in power anymore, and they are using peaceful protest over votes or violence to get it done...and I'm all for a transition if that's what they want. That said, watch what you wish for, because Mubarak is the devil we know.

This has nothing to do with politics, but I'm just uncomfortable with nation-building or taking sides when it's not our fight. Good or bad, I've always thought it arrogant for us to feel we could impose our will and wishes on another sovereign nation...but God forbid anyone tell us what we can or can't do. It's not our world. So Barack insisting Mubarak do what he feels is right seems wrong to me. As far as the military aid to Egypt as leverage, we still need them as much as they need it.

I know the United States passing on advice and suggestions to Egypt or any other country is going to happen, but it's kinda like a parent advising a 20-year old not to run with a stick in their hand; they might listen, but they can be just be as stupid as they want to be.

Let's just hope they don't put an eye out in the process


Angie & Jeff Get ACM Nom

Angie Ward loves Awards...and she's up for another one! 

The Academy Of Country Music (ACM) announced the nominees for this year’s Radio Broadcast Awards today, and for the third year in a row she and her partner Jeff have been nominated for the Jeff Roper In The Morning Show in the On-Air Personality Of The Year - Large Market category! The ACM show airs April 4th on CBS live from the MGM Garden in Las Vegas, although they don't broadcast the Radio awards as part of the show. But don't worry, there will still be some serious dress shopping!

Sure, it's an honor to be honor she's had a dozen times over the years from the CMA, ACM, R&R and CRB!  But she prefers the wins for her and WTQR...including 2002 CMA Station of the Year, 2001 CRB Large Market Broadcast personality of the Year, 2000 CMA Large Market Broadcast personality of the Year, 2000 Marconi Station of the Year, and 1998 CMA Station of the Year. Yea, that's a lot of hardware!

Very proud of my wife, Angie Ward-Satterfield; WTQR Morning Show with Jeff, tons of accolades, and heard on over 50 radio stations across the country every week...thank God one of us has talent!


Where Is Foursquare?

More and more people use this location-based social media network to let friends know where they are. This INFOGRAPHIC lets us know where they are with impressive growth in 2010. (I still prefer FS over FB Places)


Live For Tomorrow

Am I an awful person because I don't care if the Challenger blew up 25 years ago?

Social media, and traditional media too, is filled today with people posting links, vids, pics and personal thoughts about the tragedy that was the Challenger shuttle explosion. It was a horrible event that rocked the psyche of the American public because of the pride in the NASA programs, and the respect for the brave individuals who lost their lives serving others. Plus, it was just a huge visual, with the remnants of the vehicle slowly falling out of the sky while onlookers and family members watched in stunned disbelief.

I was actually on the air on the day it happened, stopping down to deliver the "news" to listeners moments after the I understand the "what were you doing" memories, for instance. But for me its just one more thing that happened in the past that doesn't impact today or tomorrow. So I really have no sentimental feelings about it, and certainly wouldn't think to post them if I did. Don't misunderstand, the intention here is not to disrespect the dead or their memory. But I wonder if we're seeing more of an outpouring from individuals because they care, or because they can (hmmmmm, kinda like a blog). It's so easy now to throw ones thoughts out onto the interweb, which may in a strange way be generating more sentimental feeling than in the past.

Would many of the same people posting about the explosion today have stopped someone in the halls in the past to tell them how the 25th anniversary of a tragedy was making them feel? I have a feeling the answer is "no". For many, social media has become one of their preferred means of human interaction. For some, social media has given them an outlet for their thoughts, emotions and feelings in ways they would not have had in the past. Social media appears to organically generate an increased level of self-expression and sentiment, and give it a platform for consumption...and that is a good thing, today.

What did stay with me after Challenger was a sense of anxiety every time they launch a shuttle, and hope that it will be safe. That's what I will be feeling when they launch the last flight on June 28th...and that's about living for tomorrow, not remembering yesterday.


Security No, Censorship Yes

So I received this email from the "Facebook Team" yesterday;

"Hello, You uploaded a photo that violates our Terms of Use, and this photo has been removed. Facebook does not allow photos that attack an individual or group, or that contain nudity, drug use, violence, or other violations of the Terms of Use. These policies are designed to ensure Facebook remains a safe, secure and trusted environment for all users, including the many children who use the site. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page, The Facebook Team".

OK, let's review my photo galleries. Attack?...nope, no pics of anyone attacking anybody. Nudity? much as I like nudity, none posted. Drugs?...not a Miley Cyrus Bong shot to be found. Violence?...I'm a lover, not a fighter. The all encompassing Violations of the Terms of Use?...I'm not even sure what that would be. So what the heck did they find?

To make matters worse, once they delete a's gone, can't be seen again. And they don't tell you what file it was. Plus, there is no way to ask them. It's a totally one way street. So not only was a photo on my profile so bad they had to delete it, but I have no way of knowing which one it was so I don't do it again. I've looked through all my pics, and I can't tell which photo is gone...or why any of them would deserve to get the axe.

Look, Facebook gets a lot of grief for not working hard enough on security issues. I never really worry about security because if I didn't want people to have access to some of my private life...I wouldn't be on Facebook. But it's kind of a drag when they do work hard enough to delete what surely must have been a rather innocuous photo to "protect the innocent".

Dear Facebook Team, Please find a way to tell us what nasty pics you we can be better social media citizens, and not subvert society by accident.

Now where did I stash that photo of me doing naked bong hits while playing Mortal Kombat?


I'm Sorry I'm A Steelers Fan

Here we go!  Yep, Steelers hold on last night to beat the Jets and head to Dallas to play the Pack in Superbowl 45. You already know all the numbers; appearances, championships, etc. But the only one that really matters is 7.  That would be 7 Superbowl wins, the most by any team. Hell, in Pittsburgh success isn't even judged on wins &'s on how many Superbowl rings we have.

That said, I need to apologize for yesterday, and the upcoming two weeks. As a life-long fan of the Steelers, I'm in a position to have both bragging rights & swagger. So I will post and say things that are caustic, and cause friends & acquaintances to cringe. Please don't take it seriously since it is only about a sporting event. It's just hard not to do when you're a Steelers fan.

Also, I will not apologize for blowing up any of the ridiculous shots about how Ben is a rapist. As I have already pointed out to many...accused, convicted, persecuted, and guilty are all very different descriptions attributed to Ben Rothlisberger. Fortunately, the half that describe Ben are more about facts than opinion. Being young, rich, and and a man-ho doesn't make someone a rapist...but it does describe 40% of the NFL & 65% of the NBA. If Michael Vick can comeback from conviction and prison...then we should probably give a break to someone who's only genuine "crime" is being a drunken lout who hangs out with the wrong people in the wrong places. Heck, the NFL was at least as wrong as he was for giving him the 4 games off!

And for the record, the use of the over-used "Steeler Nation" is crap. I'm sorry the Steelers or any of the fans ever started using it. Leave that "nation" noise to the teams that need to convince their fans they matter. From the time I could walk & talk, I was from "Steelers Country"...and still am. In fact, the United States should really be called Steelers Country!!  (see, there I go again)

Please do not blame my wife, child, or grandchild for anything I say or do in the next two weeks. I'm Sorry I'm A Steelers Fan.


Would you walk away?

Keith Olberman walked away from MSNBC last night. Regardless of your politics, his deciding to leave begs the question; would you have the guts to do the same?

Olberman has had a long career in news and sports filled with conflict between himself and management, and gigs ended due to "philosophical differences". It would appear the MSNBC, soon to be Comcast, management were not interested in him hanging around either. It's always impossible for us looking from the outside in to know who's right and who's wrong in those situations, but its always hard to turn away...kinda like a car crash. In part, why his leaving is now a news story...for other news shows! Albeit, the Fox folks will certainly have a little more glee in their giddy up reporting his demise.

Olberman has been a fiery, opinionated anchor and blow hard for a long time.  Apparently a guy who either does it his way, what he feels is the "right" way, or will beat you until you either give up or get out. Generally not a fun type to work with. Plus, his personality has been as off putting to the folks on the other side of the political spectrum from him, as Glenn Beck is to those on the other side from him. That said, the Countdown show he created saved a crappy network from extinction, and did generate a following.

The politics and personality aside, I have to admire anyone who walks away from a 40 million dollar job on principal...because I probably wouldn't have the guts to do the same. I was just having a conversation with a friend yesterday lamenting how most of us will continue to do a job even when we are miserable or feel its not "right" because we are too scared to walk away from the security. Sad but true.

I watched Countdown because of the willingness not to take everything in the news of the day too seriously. I watched it because I liked Keith's general lack of patience for things stupid & extreme. I watched it because I could be entertained, and still get a handle on the stories of the day. And because it replayed about the time my former work/family day wound down; 10pm. Although even I would turn it off when he got hung up too long on a story that he was trying to champion.  I did not watch it because I'm a liberal, because I'm not. 

I did notice I watched it less after the election controversy where Keith got "suspended" for making a contribution. Was it because he had checked out since, knew he was going to bail, and the show wasn't as good? Maybe. Was it because he had become too politically one-sided even for me to sit through. Maybe. I tend not to watch the right-leaning shows either for the same reason. (yea, I'm one of the ones who watches CNN...because they ARE in the middle)

Special comment; Keith Olberman may either be a hero or a villain to you, but there isn't much doubt he has more guts than you do!


Too Much Information

I wish this was about someone divulging too many details of their sex life, or a pretty cool Police song from the 80's...but it's about digital overload!

I took a moment to step back and review the digital brand that exists for myself, my wife...and yes, even Rydan my Grandson!  There are 30 websites, social media profiles, blogs, micro blogs, multimedia sharing accounts and landing pages that are currently being managed or in the process of being developed. 30. It took me a while just to gather them in once space so I could visualize them all. And don't get me started on passwords!

You could certainly wonder why the hell we need all this information in so many places online. But we are certainly not the normal family due to having public lives, and long-running involvement in new it makes a little more sense for us to be so "exposed". Plus, who doesn't like to show off pictures of the grand kids? But it has become quite a task just to manage it.

We live in a time for instance where Rydan is an iToddler. Fully comfortable operating iDevices before he turned 3, and able to navigate his way around the Nick Jr. games on a laptop now at less than 3.5. So it's obvious the ease of computing makes digital data more pervasive in every aspect of daily life, but also more manageable. So we all three tend to have some device in front of us, or near us, almost all the time. And we seem to have either become used to the overload, or numb to it.

Granted, there are times when we shut off the smart phone and go off the grid, and that's good.  But sometimes it absolutely feels like...too much information, running through my brain!  Great, now I'm gonna be signing that damn song all day.


Octomommy Dearest

So this is what happens when your 15 minutes is up?

Breaking news; Octomom fetish video released!! Really? This is what it's come to? In any other set of circumstances this would be just another crappy attempt at milking the interweb for some hits using a cheap fetish vid. But in this case it seems more like the sad end to the very strange story of the Octomom!

Nadya Suleman, known as Octomom, gained international attention by birthing a whole litter of kids at once! Yea, that would be 8. Of course, right after everyone was thrilled the kids made it, and intrigued by the details...we all found out she was using modern medicine and our sick need for a "feel good" story in the 24-hour news cycle to get attention. By the way, she already had six other mouths not getting fed, and was on public assistance.

Oh yea, after the blessed event...she hired a PR firm, did TV interviews, tagged up with Vampiress Gloria Allred, and got an ear full from Dr. Phil. Next it was a reality TV show in the England...with the kids on the payroll! Then Fox did a a two-hour special entitled, "Octo-Mom: The Incredible Unseen Footage"...who really wanted to see that footage? follow all that with Oprah, Idol, and lots of magazine covers. The only thing she didn't do to exploit herself and the kids was porn...until now. Granted, this isn't really porn...but it's salacious and intended to make you look. So I guess we will!

Hopefully this is the last time we'll see the fabulous Octomom, with her in a too-tight corset whipping a fully grown man wearing a diaper. Hey lady, your 15 minutes are officially up.

TMZ video page (SFW)


The King Is Dead...Long Live The King And Queen Of All Media

When I started doing radio in my teens, Larry king was a guy I admired. I would stay up listening to him do the all night show in the late 70's. He would do five and a half hours of talk! Sometimes with cool people, sometimes freaks...but he always made it interesting.  Later I watched him on CNN for all those years, even as he faded to a caricature of himself...until he looked like the crypt keeper. He finally got booted by CNN last month, probably because they were tired of waiting for him to die on the air. But no matter what you thought of him, the guy was one of the best interviewers for a few generations. 

So the replacement CNN chose was some sarcastic, asshole Brit full of attitude.  Piers Morgan, who most people only knew from a season of torturing other apprentices...but is actually an accomplished journalist. Great choice and change of pace by CNN.  Can u imagine how boring Ryan seacrest would have been night after night? They over-promoted the new shows launch, but he did start with 2 big "gets" for his first interviews; Oprah and Stern. The king and Queen of all media! I was intrigued.

Monday night I sat through the entire O interview. Other than an appreciation for her power and wealth...i don't care about her. But the interview was made interesting by her personality, willingness to open up on some things, and shutting down on others...but mostly by a fresh, less fawning approach from the interviewer.

Tuesday night it was Stern, who's out doing some media to bask in the glory of his new 5 year deal. This interview was more a sparring match than Q&A, but just as interesting. Even though I watch Stern on demand, It was refreshing to see him actually answer another persons question without doing a comic dodge.

No, Larry King would not have made interviews with the King and Queen of All Media as interesting. Piers is a breath of fresh air to an over done format on an over saturated dial, and he may not fair as well when his bookers drag in the latest victim of some manufactured news drama...but at least he's a good interviewer willing to ask the uncomfortable question, not toss the golden King softball. Still, there will only be one Larry King. Long live the King.


Here we go!

From time to time I have someone ask me why the Pittsburgh Steelers have such a loyal fan base across the country. Most of the reasons are unique to each person, many of whom grew up as "generational" fans of the biggest team in "Steeler Country"....but some of the reasons are just fact:

The Steelers were Founded in 1933.

The Steelers are the oldest franchise in the AFC.

The Steelers are the fifth-oldest franchise in the NFL.

The Steelers game against the Jet's Sunday will be the fifth appearance in the AFC Championship Game in the past 10 years.

The Steelers game Sunday will be the 15th appearance in their conference's championship, the most in the league since the 1970 NFL-AFL merger.

The Steelers will host the fourth AFC Championship Game at Heinz Field since it opened in 2001.

The Steelers won more AFC Championship Games (seven) than any other team.

The Steelers have hosted more (eleven) conference championship games than any other AFC or NFC team.

The Steelers have posted the best record in the league since the 1970 NFL-AFL merger.

The Steelers have won the most total games in the league since the 1970 NFL-AFL merger.

The Steelers have the best winning percentage (including every expansion team) in the league since the 1970 NFL-AFL merger.

The Steelers have sold out every home game since 1972.

The Steelers have zero Cheerleaders.

The Steelers had only one playoff appearance in their first 39 years.

The Steelers have won more Super Bowl titles (six) than any other team. 

Just the facts.


It's Not Politics, It's Stupidity

Sarah Palin is either one of the most self-centered & self-defensive people you will ever meet, or she has the worst set of political advisors & writers you'll ever find. Either way, the video blog yesterday was just stupid on many levels.

Yes, the memorial service rally was off key. Right for the Prez and leaders to be there. Good to remember the folks lost & heroes found. OK to point toward a more positive approach to political dialogue. Not appropriate for it to feel like a pep rally.

But why do you choose the day that most civil individuals are going to pause, if even for a millisecond, to reflect on the senseless tragedy to tell everyone it wasn't your fault...when it wasn't your fault! Even if you are in the right doing it, that was stupid timing.

It's obvious to most folks that while there is a far too negative tone to the political discourse today, it really wasn't the cause of the Tucson shooting rampage. The dude is a delusional whack job who was gonna shoot someone sooner or later...regardless of their politics. So no, it wasn't Sarah's fault. But she has enough of a mix of the common political self-righteousness & redneck (yes, they have rednecks in Alaska) defensiveness that she had to nothing. If there were "journalists and pundits" attacking her specifically, they were stupid too, and she should have just let everyone figure that out himself or herself.

I get a kick out of poking fun at the stupid things politicians say, and Sarah has a bag full. But even I don't understand how her speechwriter uses her indignation at the suggestion she's to drag up the incorrectly used term "Blood Libel"? Just stick with something simple like; "Hey Stupid, stop accusing me of something I didn't do". I'm pretty sure the term "Blood Libel" doesn't get thrown around while you’re out baiting Polar Bears. Who ever wrote the speech is pretty stupid.

Extreme & fundamental views & idiots populate both sides of the political spectrum, which is why I firmly fall in the middle. I prefer tolerance & logical compromise about facts to an argument based on ideology. This time the stupid isn't about Sarah's political position; it's about her personality, personnel, or both.


iphone or Viphone?

Yes, I love the iphone. Yes, I hate AT&T's service. Yes, I want to switch to Verizon. But is it really the best thing to do? Maybe, maybe not. Here's a few facts:

-Verizon is only going to have a CDMA version of the iphone4...and the iphone5 should be out by June.

-ETF...more money to spend money.

-Calls: In general, Verizon will drop less calls. It's unclear what impact the iPhone will have on its network, but we don't expect it to be as bad as AT&T was in its early years. Verizon's network has proven itself to be more robust.

-Speed: In general, AT&T has the faster 3G network, and in some cases it's a great deal faster than Verizon.

-Simultaneous voice and data: Only AT&T is capable of talking on the phone and surfing the web at the same time, but Verizon is working on a solution, saying the fix might be implemented by the end of this year.

-GSM and UMTS technology is widely used worldwide. UMTS phones can be easily moved from one UMTS network to another, making them ideal for international use.

-[CDMA] can't use a SIM card, making it far more difficult to switch handsets.

-I need a Hotspot, and the Viphone will do it, AT&T won't.

-Rates: gonna be about the same, but would hope to see some competitive discounting.

Dropped calls hasn't been my big beef, it's been accessing data...but even that's not clear cut. For instance; Chicago and the beach, couldn't get a damn AT&T signal. Home & Atlanta, no problem. So do I give up speed everywhere to have a better chance at data everywhere? I'm just not sure. Need more thoughts and opinions, check these links:

The Verizon iPhone Is Here
Face Off Infographic
What’s the Difference Between AT&T and Verizon’s 3G Networks?
Can Verizon Handle The Traffic?
Verizon iPhone Can Act as a Wi-Fi Hotspot
Don't Buy the Verizon iPhone 4
Here's How to Ditch Your AT&T iPhone and Switch to a Verizon iPhone for Free


Tattoo Of The Tiger

Living vicariously through your favorite sports team is a constant across all cultures and countries. Soccer in Europe, Hockey in Canada, Cricket in India...but no where is it more evident than with SEC football in the South.

Football to the people who live there and the students and alumni of the schools is more than just rooting for the team to's one of the most important aspects of their lives. It's more than just wearing the team logo or following the scores. It is a constant in their lives from 1 to done. I came to it late in life, as I have simply adopted the SEC (as my wife has adopted the Pittsburgh Steelers).

The result of this extreme fanaticism is good, and some times bad. The good can be seen in the size of the crowds enjoying the games, the pride in the teams accomplishments, and the loyalty learned from winning & losing. The bad can be found in the willingness to circumvent the rules, the unsportsmanlike actions toward the "other" teams fans, and the sense that winning is worth anything. But good or bad, the fans are fans forever.

Last night the Auburn Tigers won the National Championship. A great game for the fans, including my wife who is an Alum. Pre-game & post-game...yelling & screaming...cheering & crying...and yes, a horrible job "papering" the front yard.

The win also means she will be getting a tattoo of a Tiger paw, because she will be a fan...forever.


Snow Hysteria Defined

Snow Hysteria; The insanity that occurs in the general public when frozen flake-shaped water is predicted to fall from the sky.

Normally, the correct response when hearing about snow is to drive immediately to your nearest grocery store and buy 400 gallons of water and enough milk, bread, and eggs to feed a small sovereign nation, because obviously 1/4 inch of snow equals the next 100,0000-year-long ice age, and obviously with the glaciers ringing your doorbell, you won't be able to go anywhere! 

As someone who grew up in an area where significant snowfall was a relatively common occurrence, I find myself irritated by the idea that any amount of Winter precipitation is the trigger for over reaction and paralysis. That said, I'm willing to accept that if you didn't grow up dealing with the road conditions created by winter weather it can make driving a much more genuinely difficult thing to do. No, I'm not OK with people dying in car accidents, snow or no snow. But I think it's the acceptance of the fear of what might happen if one ventures out in the Winter conditions, instead of accepting & learning how to handle them.

It also doesn't help that local TV weather machines churn up the drama trying to give the viewers the idea that Snowmageddon is upon us...and they need to stay tuned for more updates! In the past I've even struggled myself to manufacture the drama on radio stations, knowing the reality was just not that bad. Strong music and scary words can elicit an expected & desired reaction from the general populace.

From the time I moved to NC and expressed my astonishment to Snow Hysteria, I've been derided as one of "those people", someone from "up there", and basically told I'm an "ass". I wonder what people in Minnesota say to someone from "down there" when they won't leave the house every time there's a snow shower?

So you will see, hear, or sense my irritation every time the forecast calls for a minor event...that results in Snow Hysteria because it's the Snowpocalypse! Now, where are my mittens?


CES & AEE Double Down

It's no coincidence that the worlds biggest consumer electronics show and the worlds biggest porn convention happen at exactly the same time this weekend in Sin City!

In fact, the Adult Entertainment Expo was actually a part of the Consumer Electronics Show until 1999 when the tech guys got nervous about the Sony display being set up next to Ballgags-R-Us. Plus, the company that owns the AEE brand realized they could sell more tickets if they didn't have to tone it down to fit into the mainstream event...but kept the same dates to maintain positive synergy.

It is doubtful that many of the adult performers & producers make a visit over to the CES booths to see the latest tech. But you can bet the Geek Squad charters non-stop full size Grey Line buses over to the AEE in hopes of getting a smile, hug and autograph from Jesse Jane & her busty friends.

In reality, porn has always been a driving force in the adoption of emerging consumer technology. Think VHS, DVD, Blue Ray, streaming video, and yes...the whole damn Internet. Heck, to a nerd developer still living in Mom's is as close to a date as they'll get! So they do all they can to enhance that relationship.

In the end, we all know high tech is sexy...and both are on full display on the Strip this weekend.


Death By Dildo for Christmas

Stupid comes in many forms in many people...but Terry Lester may have created a new category.

This guys big holiday surprise for his ex-girlfirend was to kill her...using a sex toy rigged to explode! Police said It had "been modified with gun powder and buck shot, which were connected to a trigger inside the battery port." Lester apparently believed that he could pull some kind of "trigger" and by doing so "blow them up." He thought if he left it as a wrapped gift for her when he got kicked him out of their apartment, she'd open it once he was gone and enjoy the memories.

Just so you know he wasn't picky about the ladies, Police found enough supplies to make shag shells for two other ex-girlfriends. Not a smart plan for success since it was likely they were going to hear about the first self-induced pleasure bomb death & back away from the box.

As with most stupid murder plots, he bragged about it to the boys at the bar...who were sober enough to turn him in. Although I'm pretty sure at least a few of them were intrigued by the plot, because guys just love plots that involve nudity and explosions.


Two Turntables And A Cardboard Sign

So Ted Williams...the guy with the "golden radio voice", not the one with the frozen a very lucky man. But will his luck run out? And is the story more about us than it is him?

It's human nature to love a feel good story, and it's impossible for the media not to wear out a warm fuzzy story like a pair of slippers on a mailman. Heck, my radio peeps have a full-on woody! But I can't help feeling Ted's more like a lotto winner than than a success story of human triumph over adversity.

Yes, he appears to be a warm, likable fellow who just happened to be down on his luck. He seems appreciative of the attention and offers of help. But is that, along with a set of "pipes", enough to justify the outpouring of support & emotion? There a thousands of good people out of work, albeit not on the street, through no fault of their own. In fact, most of them didn't make the admittedly "poor choices" Ted did to help make his situation even worse. The only thing that makes them any different than Ted is a viral video, a cardboard sign, and they didn't hit the jackpot.

I know, I know...Ted has skills that are valuable. But the reaction and offers of help are as much about self marketers looking to catch a ride on the wave of his positive press, as they are about helping people who need it. Unless the decision maker making the offer is just genuinely caught up in the media mass hysteria. I'm pretty sure the Cav's have fired more people in the past couple of years than they've offered to pay mortgage for. And I'm pretty sure if Ted had walked into most of these places now offering him a job before the video hit, he would have been treated like any other person out of work & seeking employment...or worse.

This is the perfect example of how fast an interesting video posted & shared on social media can result in action and reaction from the masses because it engages them emotionally. But it's also an example of how the masses over react to 15 seconds of fame, and how they use the moment to selfishly feel good about one winner...while ignoring the losers. Come on, it's way better to live vicariously through the Steeler's than root for the Browns.

Right now Ted is "where it's at", but when the hype wears off...let's see if he invests his lotto winnings wisely, or blows it.


Bowl Of Crap

The rent is too damn high, and there are too damn many college football bowl games!

35 games, 70 teams, and a schedule that lasts until January 10th? While the NCAA and ESPN feel this is the best (most lucrative) way to showcase the college game...all it really does is dilute the entire concept. Evidenced by the schedule including 13 teams that finished the regular season 6-6...BYU, UTEP, Louisville, FIU, Georgia Tech, East Carolina, Illinois, Tennessee, Washington, Clemson, Georgia, Middle Tennessee and Kentucky. Hell, there are only 120 FBS teams eligible!

When I was younger (100 years ago) the bowl season was exciting! The very best teams got to play each other in games that were made special by the host cities. They were a highlight of the holiday season, culminating in the all-day climax on New Year's day. Then we all got back to our normal, boring lives.

Then they added the "championship" game a day or two after January 1st, which was OK. Then they added a bunch of crappy games before Christmas. Then came the BCS, stretching out the "premiere" games well past New Year's day. Then people stopped caring or buying tickets. There were more people at my neighbors Christmas party than in the stands at this years Orange Bowl.

Thank God we have tonight "off" with no game. I need time to get psyched up for tomorrow nights Bowl at Ladd-Peebles Stadium in Mobile AL featuring the scintillating match up between Middle Tennessee & Miami...of Ohio.


You Poor Bastards

So the lotto jackpot is up to a gazillion bucks tonight...but I'm not playing. While I would love to cash in and check out, I hate playing a game where the odds are so stacked against me.

As you can see from the graph, that doesn't matter to the folks who can least afford to take a shot at it. Maybe they should create a lotto game called "Poor Bastards"


Social Media Holiday

This is my first time logging on or posting to any of my Social Media since December 19th. No 12 step program, just cold turkey.

There is something satisfying in this time of information overload to be able to shut off the data stream. There are times when the amount of information I consume on a daily basis is way more than I can take action on...making me feel like I'm not doing enough. In reality, I'm just taking in more data than I can process.

I spent time over the holidays watching a few "drive in" movies from the 70's, and it struck me how little information we consumed then...but we seemed just as happy, if not more. Maybe we are not better off having constant contact.

Next chance to disconnect will be the spring trip to the islands. But until then, I'll log back on and crank up the sarcasm!